Humanbirdwings Hoax
If you follow science & technology news like I do, you've received a half-dozen or more news blurbs hailing the breakthrough in human powered flight with links to the YouTube Videos . Since the story seems to be spreading faster than one can produce individual explanations, it seemed like a good idea to put up one for everyone. Given the floppy, high-drag wings, I could not understand how something with much less lift area than very efficient hang glider and paraglider wings could *flap* (quite inefficiently) and not just maintain, but actually *climb*...and he has no headwind! With near perfect surface rigidity and wings of this size filled with hydrogen (or better for weight: a vacuum) maybe such a thing... When receiving news of the breakthrough, I checked the "100 meters of flight" video, shown as number 14 out of 14. I noticed a number of strange things: 1 - No witnesses: where were the millions who would want to see this event? 2 - Climbing on upst...