Star Trek by the Minute 080: Enroute to Laurent
STbtM Posts: First - Previous Kirk asks Spock Prime, "So you do feel?" Spock Prime: "Yes." "Going back through time you changed all our lives..." Spock Prime, bored by Kirk's inane repetition of the obvious, decides their fireside male bonding time in the cave is over, (perhaps the lack of drums?) and it's time for action. "Jim," he announces, "we must go. There is a Starfleet outpost not far from here." That's another pretty amazing coincidence in a long string of them, isn't it? Nero invests a quarter of a century by an entire ship and crew to capture this one Federation Ambassador he deemed most responsible for a "genocide", then for revenge he puts Spock on a Federation planet, unsupervised, and right next to a Starfleet outpost? Ridiculous! It goes completely against Nero's own justification for decades of planning, waiting, and temporal mechanics calculations to exact revenge by forcing S...