Climate Skeptics and CO2 Lag:

Ice core studies show CO2 increases approx. 800 years after Antarctic temperatures increase at the end of our every-100K (approx) ice ages.

The planet warms a great during these changes, relatively speaking.

So... Why does this not exclude CO2 as a cause of global warming?

Answer: Because post ice-age warming takes about 5000 years, and CO2 increase lags only 800 years after the warming starts.

This tells us increased CO2 cannot cause the first 20% warming. According to the same ice core studies, CO2 appears involved in helping the other 80%, and perhaps some of that early 20%.

AFAWK, CO2 does not seem to trigger the end of ice ages, but does help after it starts getting released.

It is unfortunate that skeptics of the climate consensus continue to be misled on this.


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