Star Trek by the Minute 098: No Comment
Sulu confirms: "Yes sir." Kirk continues: "Otherwise we'll contact the Enterprise when we're ready to beam back." This seems a relatively sensible, reasonable set of instructions from Kirk, suspiciously unlike what we've seen during the past hour and a half of the film. "Good luck." Sulu adds from the Bridge. Kirk walks up to the transporter pad as Spock makes out with Uhura, followed with an extended shot of Kirk gawking at Spock and Uhura kissing. Spock: "I will be back." That's a fairly stupid comment given the uncertainty of the situation, but is a boilerplate cliche in films where the hero is about to leave his loved one for a dangerous mission. "You better be... I'll be monitoring your frequency." It is possible she may be doing this, but by no means certain, unless there is no Captain aboard to give orders that she take care of possibly more urgent communications needs for the ship, its entire crew...